Kristin Fridtun (born 1987)
I our interview, Fridtun speaks of their childhood in Østerdalen. Here, they early became active in Elverum Ski Jumping Association, and won medals as a ski jumper in the junior National Championship as well as the adult National Championship. They have a masters degree in Norse philology, and has worked in The Language Council of Norway. In their writing career they have written on gender roles, identities and trans issues, as well as overarching linguistic ideas within these themes.
In this excerpt from the interview, Fridtun speaks on the use of pronouns. Fridtun uses both "hen" (gender neutral pronoun) and "she/her" about themselves, and has publicly spoken about the use of "hen".
The complete interview is available at Skeivt arkivs reading room. Skeivt arkiv met Kristin Fridtun at Lillehammer, February 2019.